QuickMSG usage
What is needed
An email address at a provider that offers IMAP access and SMTP
submission. (pretty much any provider).
When first using the application no settings will be set.
You will be prompted if this is the case.
If you want to use a gmail account for sending messages you can enter your display
name and enter your gmail address and password.
If you want to use another email provider you can press Cancel and use the
settings menu and fill in the fields with details for your account.
When entering your email addres for the first time the application will generate
a set of public and private keys for this address.
This might take a while!
Example settings using gmail:
- Display name: Foo Bar
- Email address: foo.bar@gmail.com
- IMAP host: imap.gmail.com
- IMAP port: 993
- IMAP user: foo.bar@gmail.com
- IMAP password: foossecret
- SMTP host: smtp.gmail.com
- SMTP port: 587
- SMTP user: foo.bar@gmail.com
- SMTP password: foossecret
Adding contacts
In order to send messages we need the receipients public key, and the recepient needs ours.
There are two ways to add new contacts and their keys:
Add their email address and send them your key. A new contact will be made and it will
be displayed in red.
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When receiving a key in this manner you will have to verify the authenticity.
Untill you do a contact will be displayed in orange.
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Verifying can be done by comparing the fingerprint of the received key, or by being stupid and
blindly accepting it.
When a contact and his key are verified it will be displayed in green and you can
communicate with them.
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When a third verified person (who already has both of your keys) adds persons to
a group he will send the public keys of all members to them.
Since you already verified (and thus trust) this third person,
keys and contacts sent by him will be accepted as verified.
Bars group
bar@example.com, foo@example.com
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Creating a group
Creating a new group is easy: in the 'Group and Contact list' select the menu option 'Add group'.
You will be asked to give the group a name.
When pressing 'OK' a new group will be created.
You will be the owner of the group and you will be its only member.
New group
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Adding members can be done by long cliking on the group (a short click will view the group posts) and
selecting 'Set members'.
Select all contacts you want in this group and press 'OK'.
New group
foo@example.com bar@example.com
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Sending an image or video
Go to the gallery and select the image or video to send.
'QuickMSG' should be available as a share option.
You can then select the contact or group to send the media to.